Remember the good ol' days? Most of us think they exist. We talk about them fondly. "Life was simpler then. Less complicated and easier to manage." I remember being young and the concerns that plagued me and others over schoolyard politics. Will I be the last one chosen for the dodgeball team? Is Suzy going to try to trip me during jumprope today? Must I suffer that embarrassment again?
Some even go so far as to think the early church had things easy; that those were the good ol' days. A reading through Corinthians should dispel one of the notion that those days were a breeze.
There are days I want to return to my fictitious golden days of yore. The times when I felt I could control God, or manage Him. He was so prettily packaged with a flower, the Calvinist TULIP. I thought it was a sure foundation; I thought it explained God in a very logical, easy-to-understand package.
Now, God is God. He hides from me, except in Jesus. I only know Him through Jesus, The Word and Sacrament. No more peering behind the cross to try to keep Him contained. Trying to look into the why's of God creates speculation. Scripture tells us to avoid speculation. Speculation causes doubt and uncertainty. Clear words are muddied, and sometimes completely turned upside down to mean the exact opposite of the word.
My vision must stop at the Gospel. The best place to stop is at the Gospel. The gospel contains my justification and my sanctification. It is at the cross where Jesus' love for me shines brightest. He loves me, He saves me, He gives me life, He gives me righteousness, He gives me faith. We must return to the assurance in the Gospel. Always.
Another one hit out of the park without half trying! Down inner brat down! :P
What do you mean, Stop at the Gospel?
By "Stop at the Gospel", I mean that is the clearest place to see God and His love and forgiveness; the best place for assurance.
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