As I was watching the film, The Gospel of John, I began to consider the lives of the apostles and how sanctification worked with them. I do not see in the gospel accounts where they were striving toward perfection; rather I see them striving toward faith or belief. They do not talk about becoming more holy, rather they are focused on Jesus. We can rest in the sanctification God will accomplish in us; and need not fret over our successes and failures.
Often from my own mind and mouth come thoughts and words of unfaith, or unbelief. Also from the mouths of believers around me. Dear Reader, beware of words of others that preach unbelief.
Examples of unbelief:
Gifts of the Spirit have ceased for today. Read 1 Corinthian 12; ponder your own salvation (which is a gift of the Spirit).
God does not love His creation. Read John 3:16-21 and remind yourself who God loves.
Christ's atonement for sin is only for some people; not all. Read John 1:28-30.
That we do, at times, speak unfaith to one another. Read Matthew 16:23.
We have many baptisms. Read Ephesians 4:4-6.
If you can think of other examples of unbelief within the Church, please list them in comments. I am sure there are many other examples that you have encountered in your own life.
Dear Reader, you must wrestle with what Scripture says and your own unbelief. We do have help, cry out for that help.
The body and blood of Jesus is Really Absent in the Supper. 1 Cor 10:16
The forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit are not in baptism. Acts 2:38-39
Thank you, St. Dave, for adding those. Yes, indeed, those are often denied by our brethren. Even by me, at a former point in time. Praise God He still removes idols.
That Jonah wasn't really swallowed by a large fish.
Yes, another good one, Martin!
That Jesus did not atone for entire humanity which scripture clearly teaches.2 Cor 5:16-21
That God does not sincerely desire all to be saved.1 Timothy 2:4
Yes! Keep 'em comin'.
I will often hear that "reality is that which lines up with our senses." Oh, really?
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