The Chalcedon Creed says this about Jesus Christ's two natures: one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union.
This creed confirms that the God-Man, Jesus Christ, died on the cross. Both of his natures died. How do Christians explain that God died? We don't, nor can we, it just is.
Some will separate Jesus' two natures, pretending that God is mutable, saying only Jesus' body died on the cross. In doing so, they break with traditional and orthodox Christian teaching.
This is one of the things that helped me to leave Calvinism. Calvinists do teach the separation of Jesus' two natures. They try to deny Nestorian heresy with one hand; yet teach it with the other hand. Ask and watch the jig begin.
God is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Amen.
Here is my first post regarding Nestorianism, if you want to read a bit more.
You pesky sheep you! Yes our reformed do not like the statement "God died on the cross." If one admits that God died on the cross there would be no excuse for limiting the atonement. Would there?
I had not thought of that aspect of it, no.
Julie - as a former PCA pastor and campus minister (RUF)...and now in the PCUSA because I couldn't take the PCA ethos any more...and NOW in the last few months I've discovered I've been a Lutheran the whole time! Well, it's exciting and humbling at the same time. So, I can not only appreciate your journey, but I really love everything you post here - please keep it up! Blessings - Bryan Bond
Bryan, I'm glad you stumbled upon this blog. I find I need to daily remind myself that Jesus is my focus, the "done didness of the Gospel" as David's pastor friend says.. maybe that's Pastor Baker, I'm not sure. I'm happy to meet another "recovering Calvinist"!
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