When I was a full-fledged Calvinist, volunteering my time in an online apologetic website by proofreading and helping in the chatroom, I was often having to assure other Calvinists of their salvation. The first thing I would remind them was how much they hate their sin as a sign of their faith. This pattern was repeated over and over many times.
For awhile, I thought because of this I should go into Nouthetic Counseling. People would turn to me, seeking assurance. Then I was awakened to the truth of Limited Atonement.
If Jesus died only for a few people, then the natural question to ask is, "Did He die for me?" Being unable to look at Jesus on the cross saying, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do," as universal atonement, one had to look elsewhere. So, you start examining your own inward thoughts. What a way to plummet to the depths of despair!
The human heart is so wicked we cannot even know our own hearts, let alone the heart of another person. It is better to trust in the words of Jesus than it is to look within ourselves. Jesus is God, and He never lies. Scripture says He died for the whole world. His death, burial, and resurrection was generous to the point of saving all if one receives this free gift.
Calvinists, stop looking within for faith and trust in Jesus' finished work on the cross.
Great post sis! I have learned to love the latin phrase: extra nos. This means from outside. Jesus died outside of us. Our salvation comes from outside of us through word and sacrament. No need to peer at our vile heart. Though redeemed all we can and should ever see in there is sin which needs forgiven.
No game playing. No hiding our sin and have our bones wax old for all the roaring with the law of God weighing heavy upon us. Confess our sin and receive the forgiveness which is ours in Jesus.
Thanks be to our crucified and risen Jesus. †
Amen, St. Dave. Your comment should be a blog post!
Hi! Its been a while, what a great post, I would simply respond by saying that a true understanding of the Gospel is to understand that the Gospel itself is outside of us, a foreign news an alien announcement.
Its a tendency of hyper Calvinism to look inside of ourselves, and not away from ourselves. Morbid introspection is terrible, and hurtful to the soul because it forgets about the Gospel.
Its when we understand that the Gospel comes to us as an annoucement and we need it more than once, and is visibly represented in the sacraments that we can see the comfort and remember its truth. The Gospel is outside of us, thats what makes us sure of our salvation.
Javy, it has been my experience that all Calvinists, not just the hyper Calvinists, suffer from this malady of looking within for faith. Often referring to Romans 8:16 (The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.). When that happens, to my ears, it is no different from what a Mormon says.
You are right, salvation is extra nos, or from outside of us. All of salvation comes from Another! Even the sacraments come from another, for Jesus is there present, continuing to meet us. For that we can be ever thankful!
Javy, it has been my experience that all Calvinists, not just the hyper Calvinists, suffer from this malady of looking within for faith. Often referring to Romans 8:16 (The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.). When that happens, to my ears, it is no different from what a Mormon says.
You're right, I've heard this as well. This drives people nuts, and the self righteous are deceived by this. What I was pointing out is that its a *mark* of hyper calvinism to be instrospective. I recently attended a conference called The Quagmire of Hyper Calvinism and listened to a lecture on John Gill, the father of Hyper Calvinism and his teachings not himself (He was intent on doing well) led to morbid instrospection. It was quite refreshing to hear Southern Baptist Baptists preaching like Westminster Escondido in a lot of ways. They quickly pointed out that we need to look to the cross, not to ourselves. As for Lutheran theology of cross vs glory, I'm much in line with you, thanks to the Westminster guys. By the way, I'm going Presbyterian :) I'm in CARM sometimes, meet me there we can catch up! :D
You are right, salvation is extra nos, or from outside of us. All of salvation comes from Another! Even the sacraments come from another, for Jesus is there present, continuing to meet us. For that we can be ever thankful!
The sacraments in Reformed theology and reformation theology are not that far apart. Calvin was close to Luther in how he spoke of it.
Javy, sounds like a good conference you attended. Isn't it good to see how Father teaches us?
Calvin and Luther were pretty far apart on the sacraments. Maybe I can start posting about that. It took God to open my eyes on that via scripture and friends.
I've been in CARM chat a couple of times lately. Once during the show, the live streaming overwhelmed my computer.
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