Friday, September 15, 2017


Have you ever been somewhere and were starving to death? At least, that's the saying. It's a bit melodramatic, isn't it? Starving to death. Anyway, you're really hungry for food but for whatever reason you have to wait.  Your stomach is noise. It aches from lack of food.

Some weeks are like that. I starve to hear the Gospel. All week, while at work, out in town, at home, you think you're not good enough. I hear negativity and feel like a failure.  I didn't do a job properly, I burned dinner, I forgot an errand, ads tells me I'm not pretty enough, and on and on. Some of it is self inflicted, other times it is inflicted upon me. Sometimes I get beat down by listening to other people's horrible ideas and opinions. Most of the time, it's my sins that haunt me. I'm starving for refreshment. I'm starving to hear how my sins are forgiven.

Then comes Sunday morning. I hear about Jesus and how amazing and selfless He is. Jesus is perfect. Of course He is, he's God! I hear of how he became the biggest sinner ever because he took everybody's sin upon Himself. I cannot fathom that. That's a lot of love.

Then I am refreshed. I can face the upcoming week. I have peace with God again.

Thank God for a big, fat Sunday feast!

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