Real Presence is not a magical occurrence, such as thought to be by Roman Catholics. Nor is it an empty cup and bread, as thought amongst the many variations of Reformed Christians. No, it is Jesus who promises to be with us at communion.
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. ~ Matthew 18
Communion means to be united with one another. We commune with Jesus and the saints militant and the saints triumphant. It is a mystery that we regularly eat and drink with our Lord. We must believe the promises.
For our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12
How can it be that we are not consumed in the presence of our Holy Jesus when we are at the altar of the Lord‘s Supper? Some of us are served communion weekly, some less frequently. Yet we are not consumed.
Jesus’ body broken for us, Jesus’ blood spilled out for us. That is what we receive. Forgiveness of sins. It is due to that same body and blood that we received that we are not consumed.
Jesus is so wonderful to not make us wait until the last day to enjoy his presence. Amen
Great stuff as always Julie! Thank you.
The Catholic view isn't that it's magical at all, any more than the feeding of the Five Thousand in John 6 was "magic," or the parting of the Red Sea.
I point this out because everything else in your post is correct, and comports with the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist. So the opening potshot seemed both completely extraneous, and particularly ill-informed about the Catholic doctrines on this most central subject.
Joe, Isn't the ringing of the bell the moment the blood and wine change?
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