Holding a high ecclesiology will eventually crumble into a high view of the law. Churches often argue for their own survival. The pull of culture drags them down into the world; taking the eyes of the congregants off of our object of worship, Jesus. The church, to survive against the world, must exhibit grace without strings, without conditions, from the pulpit of weakness.
In the pulpit of weakness stands a proclaimer of the good news of reconciliation with Jesus Christ. Often this proclaimer stands against the politics of the human organization of churches. These pastors are at the mercy of the powerful; the church machines that control and run roughshod over the sheep.
Beware of the high church views, disenchantment may snare you and plummet you into atheism. Holding ecclesiology lightly, even suspicously, is the answer to the church behaving badly. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the affects of total depravity. God's grace through Jesus Christ is our only Hope.
St Julie,
You post valid concerns of the abuses sinful man inflicts upon his fellow sinner in abusing the office of ministry. However, the office of the ministry is instituted by Jesus and should not be cast aside. We have talked and Im sure this is not what you meant by this post. Rather one should be willing to resist these abuses in the kindest way as possible telling Father on them constantly so perhaps he grant them true repentance. I am still working on doing it in a kinder way.
Have fun on your vacation sis!
God's peace. †
Advocating abandoning churches is not what I had in mind by writing this post. Rather, I had heard a seminarian say they studied ecclesiology more than any other topic and found that to be a frightful idea considering that much of ecclesiology is man-made; not all, but much.
Perhaps he was trying to prove why he is singularly the best go to person to iron out the differences?
I think you're on to something there, St. Dave!
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