The 20th Century Theologian Gerhard Forde likes to say that "the Gospel puts an end to the voice of the law". The reality is that it does not.
The accusations of the law to reveal our sin still has teeth, still chase us to Christ Jesus our Savior. We continue to see the horrors of our own sin, where we fall short. The old Adam needs to be drowned daily by baptism. By seeing who we now belong to, by remembering whose name was placed on us in our baptisms.
Jesus never teaches us to hate the law, or to behave as if God's commandments are non existent. When I put my faith in Mr. Forde's words, I hated the law. It scared me, chased me to and fro. Now that I see the reality of Law and Gospel, I have peace restored once more. We do not have Gospel alone. Lutherans teach, believe and confess both law and gospel, all of God's Holy Writ.
One day God's commandments will be a reality for every believer. We will dwell in them forever. We will live in the house of the Lord, where pleasant lines are made for us. Take delight, like King David did, in meditating on God's commandments. We will no longer be accused by our failures. Until then, cling to Jesus and His Words about us, that we are forgiven and loved.
God is pleased with us. He even likes us in our shortcomings. After all, he knows we are weak and that we need a savior, so Christ, the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, was provided.