It is the believer that is in the know who reads the latest books by reformed authors, so goes the thinking among many Calvinists and Sovereign Gracers. You must read the proper authors, the best books, listen to other Calvinist or Sovereign Grace teachers only. And then only those that have the highest ranking.
Tulip-believing folks will often spout names such as Sproul, Edwards, Spurgeon, White, and the unforgettable Puritans. These are the names that impress; similar to shopaholics preferring high end labels on their clothing tags. While this list is certainly a list of Christians, it is also a form of idolatry. "I am reading the latest book by (insert name of approved author)." That is to be properly followed by comments of approval from others.
God will tear down idols.
When I realized that my precious reformed systematic theology was an idol, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from beneath me. I was lost. "Where do I turn for guidance?" was my concern. I experienced this sense of loss and grieving for quite awhile. It was disheartening. I wanted to return to my beloved systematic, yet I knew God is a jealous God and would not allow me to return.
I turned to God and Scripture. That is where my heart lies. My goal now is to have faith in the promises of God.